If You Want Everything to Stay The Same…

…Then everthing must change.

It looks Italian.

We had one last dinner on the deck and tried to remember everything left to gather for the trip. The wine deadened all that was left to do.

One Chore Left

So even though my feet were as close to “out the door as possible” I still had one more responsibility to complete.

To the Ladies at Global Delights who have my double espresso ready every morning – you guys still have the best espresso but the picnic table could use an upgrade.

I have not been able to do the math to calculate how long I traveled to get here but it was long. I found my landlord at the front door of my apartment and we both commented on what handsome men we had turned into over the years of no visits. I went straight to bed and did not realize I had a clock issue until I woke up the next morning at either 9:00 am, 10:00 am or 11:00 am. I got dressed and went to the first 3 “Bars” (espresso places) and got a concensus of 9:00. Interestingly there was a decenter.

Time to get into an Italian style.

This is a barber shop I stumbled upon a few years ago and I was happy to see they had survived Covid. The name of the shop is “Machete” and they have their own line of whiskey under the same name that they serve while cutting your hair. In my opinion this adds a bit of sport to the common haircut. When I declined the whiskey they offered me an espresso – the only proper way to cut hair.

A little geography before I get ready for bed.

This map is oriented correctly for north and south and east and west. In the middle of the map you will find a “key shaped” plot which is the Duomo or Santa Maria de Fioria.” In the lower right of the map you will find the Basilica of Santa Croce. The land to the west of the Basilica is the Piazza de Santa Croce on which I am a resident at #5. Straight south from the Duomo, on the river, is the Uffizi Museum and the Palazzio Vecchio. Then to the west is the train, bus and taxi terminal with the Santa Maria Novella or the new Santa Maria Church.

This is now lesson # 1 in the idea that everything must change theorem. When you are building something you intend will last 1500 years or more then think about nameing something the New or the Old because that very likely will change over a millennium and what was new is now the old.

I now need to work on my watches and calendars. They do not all agree on days and times and I am not sure which one I can rely on. Every day all of church bells ring at 6:00pm which gives a read on time but it only comes once a day. First world problems I fear.
